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Ford & Associates provides a range of advisory services according to our clients' needs.  To discuss specific projects or needs, please contact us.

New Project Financing

Public infrastructure and cultural facilities like schools, utility systems, fire stations, and museums are the backbone of our communities. The optimal financing structure, term, and method of execution depends on your community and your goals.

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Energy Performance

Contracting Loans

Performance contracting allows issuers to make energy saving upgrades to their facilities by using the resulting savings to finance the projects.  Not all such loans are created equal, however.  We will help you decide whether this tool is the right one for you.

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Defeasance Escrows

Ford & Associates can help issuers with legal or economic debt defeasance by efficiently structuring escrow investments within the parameters of the bond documents and market conditions.

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Forensic Audit

Issuers may engage Ford & Associates to evaluate prior debt issues with respect to strategy, process, and financial impact.  Such engagements are considered on a case-by-case basis.

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Debt Refinancing

Refinancing existing debt can free up money for services, improve debt covenants, and/or help simplify operations.  Ford & Associates can analyze your outstanding debt for opportunities that may be going unnoticed.

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Capital Leases

Capital assets with shorter useful lives are often leased rather than purchase.  Leasing alleviates the necessity of reselling older equipment like vehicles and IT infrastructure.  Leasing also helps maintain newer and more reliable infrastructure.

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Bond Proceeds Investment

Ford & Associates can help issuers invest debt proceeds to generate additional funding for projects and reduce negative arbitrage.  Issuers must comply with Federal tax law, state law, issuer investment policies, and specific project funding timelines. 

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Expert Witness

Ford & Associates' advisors can provide expert witness testimony in connection with litigation, collective bargain, and legal proceedings.  Such engagements are considered on a case-by-case basis.

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